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Featured: Syngonium

The Syngonium, also called Purple Tute, comes from the tropical rainforest of Central to South America. There are different types, with many different leaf colors. From light to dark green to pink, everything is included. The leaves can have a special veining, variegation or color gradient. Syngoniums grow bushy and then form tendrils for climbing. As soon as you notice the first tendrils, you should provide them with a moss stick or something similar.


The Syngonium grows very quickly and requires a lot of water. Especially in summer it should be watered at least twice a week. If it doesn't get enough water, the leaves will droop. After watering, they return to their normal position. If this happens every now and then it's not a problem, but if it becomes a regular occurrence it can damage the roots of your plant. On the other hand, you shouldn't water too much, otherwise waterlogging will occur and the roots will rot. So always make sure that the soil is slightly moist and it is better to water often in small amounts rather than too much at once.


Since it is a plant from the tropical rainforest, it requires high humidity. You should regularly spray your plant with water or place a humidifier next to it. If the humidity is too low, the leaves can get brown spots. They are also more susceptible to pests such as thrush, which love drought.

The FARBIO® glass spray bottle is particularly suitable for spraying the leaves of your Syngonium with water to ensure high humidity.


The Syngonium plant prefers a loose, airy soil. Please take a look at our article about the perfect Monstera substrate , where we explain how you can mix good soil for your houseplants yourself. Most soils you get at hardware stores are not suitable for your plants. They do not have large pores and do not allow air to reach the roots, which can quickly cause root rot.


Like most plants, the Syngonium likes it bright and warm. You can place them on a windowsill that doesn't get direct sunlight. Strong sunlight can quickly burn the thin leaves. The Syngonium can react relatively sensitively to temperature fluctuations. Make sure the temperature changes slowly and acclimate the plant for the first time if you change location.


The Purple Tute grows quickly and can be easily propagated from cuttings. You cut off the shoot below a leaf node. You can place this cutting in moss, water or soil so that it grows roots. Rooting works best with moss. It can quickly happen that the cutting rots in water or soil. To get more roots on your cuttings more quickly, you can use so-called root powders or root gels. It contains the plant hormone auxin, which promotes root growth.

You can find the right fertilizer for your plants among the FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizers .

In our Plant AZ you can find out more about the most popular houseplants!