Attention plant lovers! If you want your plants to grow strong and healthy, you should not only pay attention to the visible green, but also to the invisible but equally important root system. In this article you will learn how you can positively influence the root growth of your houseplants in a natural way.
Which tasks have roots?
The roots of a plant are one of its main organs and are responsible for absorbing and transporting water and nutrients from the soil. The larger and healthier the root system, the better the plant can absorb these vital resources. Furthermore, the roots of a plant provide support, so they act like an anchor. They consist of a main root and several branches, so-called secondary roots. These are covered with fine root hairs, which increase the volume of the surface.

This way you can stimulate root growth
Correct location: Make sure your plant is in the right location. Each type of plant has different requirements for light, moisture and also temperature. A warmed soil leads to a significant increase in the growth performance of the roots.
Suitable soil: Use high-quality potting soil that is tailored to the needs of your houseplant. Well-drained soil allows the root system to spread easily. A larger pore volume and therefore a higher air capacity in the soil is important because the root system also needs oxygen. The pH value of the soil must also be correct so that the roots can absorb nutrients from the soil.
Fertilizer: Supply your plants with all the important main and micronutrients to ensure a healthy development of the root system and the entire houseplant. The FARBIO® NPK organic liquid fertilizer for green plants is very suitable for supplying your plants with the essential nutrients and thus helping them to develop healthily in the long term.

Your plant needs nutrients to grow its roots
The substances vital for plants can be divided into two groups: main nutrients (macronutrients) and trace elements (micronutrients). Don't forget oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as the essential basis for the growth of your plants. Only when all the main and micronutrients are supplied can your green roommate really thrive. But some nutrients have a direct effect on the formation of the root system: phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, for example. Boron is also required for root cell division.

Promote root growth in offshoots/cuttings
Propagating houseplants from cuttings is a great way to expand your plant collection. To do this, first cut off a healthy shoot from the mother plant. Make sure it has at least one or two pairs of leaves. But how can you root this cutting? You can place the cutting in a glass of water, wait and change the water regularly. You can also plant it directly in the soil, but there is a greater chance of rot occurring.
Many houseplants form offshoots themselves, small copies so to speak. These can be formed on the main stem like the Pilea or on the ends of the shoots like the spider plants. These offshoots usually already have small roots. You can easily separate them from the mother plant and place them directly in soil or in water if root formation, especially the development of lateral roots, is not yet sufficient.
Home remedy: Cinnamon to the root tips
Cinnamon can help promote healthy roots - because the spice has natural antimicrobial properties and can therefore reduce the risk of root rot. Our tip: If you use cinnamon or root powder at the root tip, it can help promote root growth. After two to three weeks the first roots will appear. As soon as they are a few centimeters tall, the small plant is ready for potting.

Promote root development by repotting
Repotting your houseplants regularly is important. The ideal time is during the growth phase in spring.
Choose a larger pot: Choose a slightly larger pot than the current one so that the roots have more room to grow.
Careful repotting: Carefully remove the plant from its old pot and loosen the root ball slightly to prevent rotary roots from forming. If the roots twist too much in the pot, they will slowly die.
Fresh soil: Place the plant in fresh potting soil or a self-mixed substrate and press it lightly. Water thoroughly.