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Houseplants for beginners: Our tips & tricks for plant care

Caring for plants is not difficult and can be done naturally with our organic liquid fertilizers. Because it's so easy, here's our universal guide to green thumbs, but your plant's needs may vary depending on the species. Here are our TOP 7 plant care basics:

Watering: Water correctly & avoid overwatering

One of the most common reasons why houseplants die is overwatering and the associated waterlogging and root rot. Our general advice is therefore: It is better to water too little than too much to avoid rotting roots.

However, the way you water also makes a big difference: Water your plants thoroughly, but less frequently, to ensure that the soil can dry well between waterings. To test, simply stick your finger into the soil and only water when it is completely dry.

Another great option is watering over the saucer: the plants or the soil then suck up the water via the capillary effect - this means that overwatering virtually does not occur.

If you only water your plants over the saucer, salts in the soil will not be washed out. You should therefore occasionally water your plants from above.

Find the right location for your houseplant

An incorrect location can prevent your plant from growing. The right location is half the battle.

The main thing to consider is the light needs: Find out whether your plant likes it sunny, partially shaded or shady and place it in a place with appropriate sunlight. It is also important to note whether it is direct or indirect sunlight. Sensitive plants get sunburn on their leaves when exposed to direct sunlight, for example on the windowsill.

Substrate for houseplants

The right substrate is crucial for plant care

The soil or substrate in your plant's pot has the following functions: nutrient supply, root anchoring and moisture regulation. Choosing a high-quality medium that is tailored to the needs of your plant is therefore of great importance when it comes to the health of your houseplant.

Since conventional potting or planting soil often holds water for too long and air circulation at the roots is impaired, it makes sense to purchase or mix a special substrate for houseplants such as Monstera and Philodendron. There are different components, organic or mineral in origin, that are suitable for this.

Click here to get the ultimate Monstera mix!

Clearly: don’t forget to fertilize houseplants

The use of fertilizer is particularly important for houseplants because they live in limited space and are unable to obtain enough nutrients naturally.

Don't let your plants starve: Regular fertilization ensures that plants develop more large leaves, their flowering time is extended, more leafy greens are produced and their resistance to diseases and pests increases.

In order to properly fertilize your plants, you should pay attention to the individual needs depending on the type of plant. However, a rule of thumb can be set for the frequency of fertilization: We recommend fertilizing once a week during the growth phase from March to October and once a month from November to February.

Fertilize houseplants

The FARBIO® NPK organic liquid fertilizer for green plants is very suitable for supplying your plants with the essential nutrients and thus helping them to grow healthily in the long term.

Being a control freak can save your plant from pests

Houseplants make our home more beautiful and also ensure a pleasant indoor climate. Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to pests such as aphids, spider mites, fungus gnats, thrips and many more, which can affect the growth and health of the plants.

You should check regularly for pests - because the sooner you combat them, the less damage your plant will suffer.

The FARBIO® organic microcomplex is plant care at its best: plant protection, plant healing and micronutrients in one. The 100% organic and vegan leaf fertilizer supplies all types of plants with important micronutrients and significantly increases the natural processes within the plant through nanoparticle technology and copper.

Check leaves

Leaf care: Optimize air humidity and avoid brown leaf tips

Air that is too dry is not good for plants. If the humidity is too low or the plant doesn't get enough water, the edges can dry out and turn brown. Therefore, spray the leaves regularly to increase the humidity! If you have a larger plant collection, it is worth purchasing a small measuring device. A humidity of 60-70 percent is ideal for many green plants.

The FARBIO® glass spray bottle is perfect for spraying your plants!

Beginners beware: to-dos in winter

Avoid dry heating air, frost and cold drafts - the consequences could be serious: from leaf discoloration to the death of your plant.

Do you want your plants to continue growing even in the cold season? Then make sure they receive enough light. Moving closer to the window or using a plant light can help here.