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5 tips for ultimate plant growth

A clever man, Professor Doctor Liebig, discovered long ago that the least available resource is the one that limits plant growth. Even when all other resources are in abundance. So if you want to get your plant to maximum growth, you need to pay attention to what your least available resource might be and make that available to your plant.

1. Drink enough but not too much

The right supply of water is the be-all and end-all for good plant growth. Water is essential for plants to carry out photosynthesis, i.e. to produce energy for growth from light. The water is absorbed through the plants' root system. The amount of water is particularly important, as is the interval at which the plants are watered. The type of plant determines whether the soil can be dry sometimes or should be constantly moist. Factors that also affect a plant's water requirements are light intensity and ambient heat. The more light and the warmer the ambient air, the more photosynthesis occurs and the more water evaporates, therefore the more water the plant needs.

2. Moving to a larger apartment

If you want your plant to show maximum growth, then you should treat your plant to a new, larger pot. This is the only way the root system can expand, absorb more water and nutrients and allow the plant to grow. If you want to do something really good for your plant, you can put it in a greenhouse temporarily or for a longer period of time; these are also available in small format for the home.

3. The right substrate

In order to grow well, your plant needs the right soil, i.e. the right substrate. You have to be careful, because some substrates are so over-fertilized that your plant will die from the flood of nutrients rather than grow bigger and stronger. An imbalance of nutrients is often to blame for this phenomenon: If one substance predominates, other substances cannot be absorbed or can only be absorbed more poorly, which leads to reduced plant growth. So find out exactly what your plant needs and buy a high-quality substrate.

4. Fertilize regularly

Your plants can only really thrive when all of their needs are met. In addition to the right amount of water and the right soil substrate, this also includes an adequate supply of nutrients. Because plants absorb nutrients from the air and soil and convert them into leaf matter and fruit, the plants stop growing without an adequate supply. This deficiency occurs particularly quickly in pot cultures because the roots only have a limited space with soil and the nutrients it contains. You can prevent this growth stop by regular fertilization. Our FARBIO® organic fertilizer for green plants is the right liquid fertilizer for your houseplants and promotes rapid growth and ensures the development of lush green leaves.

5. The right light

If you really want to maximize your plant growth, then you should consider purchasing extra light for your plants. Blue, ultraviolet and red light have the highest proportion of useful wavelengths for plants. Low-energy light such as green and yellow wavelengths are reflected by the plant and therefore only help to a limited extent in stimulating growth. If you now purchase an artificial light that emits very high-energy light, then the plant can photosynthesize even more. You should keep in mind that all other factors must also be present in abundance so that your plant can grow optimally.