Who doesn't appreciate a good podcast these days. Whether jogging, on the bus or train or just in everyday life. You can easily listen to podcast episodes at any time, anywhere.
That's why we started looking for podcasts on the topic of plants.
Plant yourself
The podcast by the two plantfluencers Tubi (@pileatis) and Henni (@pflanzen.vaddi) looks at the variety of topics surrounding houseplants with a pinch of humor and always a critical eye. Valuable tips are given and the advantages and disadvantages of different methods are also highlighted. Absolute recommendation!
In addition to the podcast, the two regularly take their followers on Instagram with them in their everyday life as plant parents and like to share one or two tricks there too.
GREEN COLOR OFF – the podcast not just for plants
The relatively young podcast by the two plant lovers Oliver and Carla thrives on the difference in knowledge between the two. They talk about plant soil, locations and what needs to be taken into account when cutting and growing offshoots. If you're looking for a current podcast, you've come to the right place!
Leaf whispers – The houseplant podcast
The lifestyle magazines “Schöner Wohnen” & “Couch” as well as the Internet community Plant Friends are behind the podcast Blattgefrische.
The interview format sometimes brings in well-known guests for its episodes, with whom we discuss a wide range of topics. The interviews are extremely organized and the topics are really close to the lives of us plant lovers. Definitely worth a visit.
Lifestyle Gardening Podcast
As the name suggests, this podcast is not just about houseplants. In addition to episodes about life hacks for plants or making your own potting soil, you will also find some on the topics of balcony fruit or indoor fruit and vegetable cultivation. It offers a comprehensive look into the world of lifestyle gardeners.
Garden Radio – The Garden Podcast
The name of this podcast is also part of the garden radio program. The over 100 episodes mainly deal with topics that affect the home garden. But there are also some treasures that help us with our beloved houseplants. Episodes about the importance of roots, the right balcony soil or the effect of house plants on the air can be interesting for all of us!
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You can find everything you need to know about well-known houseplants in our Plants AZ .