Is your plant suddenly exhibiting strange behavior with its leaves curling up? There are various reasons why they do this, and often it is an indication that something is wrong with their location. In this article, we will look at some of the most common causes of curled leaves in various houseplants and plants in general, and provide tips on how you can help your green friends.
Rolled up leaves on houseplants: What is the cause?
In many species, new plant leaves develop in a curled form. This is a good thing because it protects the delicate inner leaf structures during the early stages of development. However, if leaves continue to curl in the adult stage, or if leaf curling is accompanied by other symptoms, it may indicate problems such as pests, disease or environmental stress. In such cases, it is important to identify the cause and act accordingly to maintain the health of the plant.

Signs that the plant is not getting enough water
Often the cause is a lack of humidity or that you are not giving it enough water. Then the plant tries to save water by rolling up its leaves.
Rolled up leaves: attacked by pests
Various pests can cause the leaves of houseplants to curl. The most common is an infestation of spider mites - tiny, sucking insects that often settle on the underside of plant leaves. They suck moisture and nutrients from the plant. In response, the plant may curl its leaves to reduce moisture loss.
Leaves curling due to lack of nutrients
The lack of certain nutrients can also cause plant leaves to curl.
A copper deficiency in plants manifests itself in yellowish or bronze leaf discoloration, leaf deformations such as rolling or curling, and possibly leaf necrosis, which can lead to brown or black spots. This can affect the growth of the plants, as copper is essential for various growth processes. Fertilizing with the copper-containing FARBIO® Bio-Microcomplex can help. This foliar fertilizer can simply be sprayed onto the leaves.
Strelitzia leaf tips curl up: A sign of drying out
The Strelitzia, also known as the bird of paradise flower, is a popular houseplant with large leaves. If the tips of your Strelitzia's leaves are curling up, it may be a sign that the plant is drying out. But be careful: lots of water is not always the solution either. Make sure you don't overwater it, as this can lead to root rot. Make sure the soil gets slightly dry between waterings, and occasionally mist the leaves with water to increase the humidity. However, slight curling of the leaf edges is completely normal!

Calathea - the plant that rolls up its leaves at night
Calatheas are known for their fascinating leaf patterns and their peculiar behavior of rolling up their leaves at night and unfolding them again during the day. This behavior, known as nyctinasty, is the plant's natural response to changes in light. During the day, the leaves open to absorb light and perform photosynthesis. At night, the leaves are rolled up to prevent water loss and conserve energy. If your Calathea closes its leaves during the day, it may be a sign of light deficiency. Make sure your Calathea gets plenty of indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause burns.

Plants in winter: Rolled leaves turn black
In winter, the leaves of your plants may curl up and then even turn black. This can be due to various factors, including low temperatures. Are the leaves curling up? Then make sure that the temperatures do not fluctuate too much, as sudden cold snaps can damage the leaves of your plants. You can find out more about frost damage to plants here!

Why do leaves on tomato plants curl?
Tomato plants are susceptible to various problems that can manifest themselves in curled leaves. As with other plants, a common cause of this problem is the water supply. If tomato plants are not watered enough, their leaves can dry out and curl up - especially during the hot summer months. In addition, diseases such as tomato mosaic virus, dry spot disease or pests such as whitefly can also be responsible. However, you can recognize this by additional leaf spots. Find out how you can fight diseases and pest infestations naturally in this video!
Conclusion: This is why the leaves of your houseplant curl up
Overall, curled leaves on plants can be an indication that something is wrong with their environmental conditions. By understanding the causes and taking appropriate measures, you can help your plants stay healthy and happy. Pay attention to your plants' needs, give them love, attention and a natural fertilizer !