Do you still have hanging baskets and don't quite know what kind of hanging plant to get? Introducing 6 hanging houseplants that grow fast and are easy to care for!
1. Easy-care ivy
The Efeutute is available in many different colors. The classic ivy is Epipremnum aureum with its light green, yellow variegated leaves. A real eye-catcher is the species Marble Queen (Epipremnum pinnatum) with its white to cream-colored leaves and fine green variegation. There is also a ivy with dark green leaves and silver variegation (Scindapsus pictus) . Overall, all Efeututes grow super fast and require only moderate care and is robust. Their shoot length can reach up to 10 meters. If it gets too long for you, you can shorten it and stick the cut shoots into the ground. This will make the plant bushier.

2. Exotic Philodendron scandens, micans & brasil
Philodendrons are easy to care for - the ideal hanging plants for the room! You need an airy soil mix, not too much water and a bright location. Then they grow like weeds. All 3 species have the same leaf shape and differ only in color: The Philodendron scandens has heart-shaped leaves that are simply green in color. The Philodendron brasil is also mostly simply green. However, it has lighter variegations in the middle of the leaf. These are light green to off-white in color and can appear as a small line or large area on the leaf. The third species is the Philodendron micans , which has dark green velvety leaves with light veins. Fresh new leaves are reddish at first and darken over time.

3. Popular indoor plants - Monstera monkey leaf
The Monstera as plants with hanging shoots? You can find the Monstera monkey leaf (Monstera adansonii) climbing on a moss stick in most stores. However, you can also let them grow hanging in a traffic light. It then forms no or only a few aerial roots, since it does not need the additional support. With its green, slotted leaves, it goes down well in every living room and still lets enough light through. It is also easy to care for - choose a sunny to partially shaded place for it.

4. "String of" for the hanging basket
Very well-known hanging plants are the species called "string of". These belong to different genera. What they have in common, however, is that their small leaves grow on a long hanging shoot. The String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) , also known as the pea plant, has small, thick, round leaves on its long shoot. As the name suggests, these are reminiscent of pearls or peas on a chain. The String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is known to us as the candlestick flower. It has small light leaves with dark green spots. Their shape is reminiscent of hearts. String of Turtles (Peperomia prostrata) has small green round leaves with light patterns. The colors and shape are reminiscent of a turtle shell. All three types are easy to care for and if the shoots get too long, you can shorten them.

5. Hoya (wax flower)
The wax flower (Hoya carnosa) or porcelain flower belongs to the hanging plants and has green, glossy leaves that are pointed in shape. Its name comes from the type of leaves that appear to be coated in wax. They prefer to be too shady than too bright and they don't tolerate direct sunlight at all. They are easy to care for and do not require much water. Take a look at our care guide: Hoya !

6. Rio spiderwort
If you want a colorful hanging plant, then the Rio spiderwort (Tradescantia zebrina) is a real eye-catcher. It gets elongated, pointed leaves. The color is dark purple-green with silvery, almost glittering stripes. It does not make any great demands on its location. A bright place is best, but it also tolerates a partially shaded location quite well. In the summer she also likes to be outside, but not in the direct sun.

Caring for hanging plants: watering and fertilizing
A hanging houseplant can make a decorative addition to any home, but to ensure it stays healthy it needs regular watering and fertilizing. A good rule of thumb is to usually water houseplants when the top layer of soil in the pot feels dry - this will avoid waterlogging. When using fertilizer, be sure to follow the fertilizer label directions carefully. The fertilizer is usually simply added to the irrigation water. Generally, hanging plants should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season, while during the dormant period they should be fertilized about once a month to thrive.
The FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizers support you in the care of your plants with important nutrients - so they tend to grow particularly well!
The FARBIO® glass spray bottle is particularly suitable for spraying the leaves of your hanging plants with water and thus ensuring a high level of humidity.