Fertilizing green plants is important, otherwise they will only grow slowly and cannot develop their full effect. It is therefore very important that you fertilize your houseplants regularly to provide them with sufficient nutrients. How often, how much and which fertilizer you should use depends on the plant in question. But don't worry - there is the right fertilizer and a simple care routine for every type of plant. Start taking proper care of your green favorites today.
Recognize deficiency symptoms of the most important nutrients
You can often recognize the symptoms of a nutrient deficiency by looking at the leaves of your houseplant. Depending on which symptoms your plant shows, you can determine which nutrient it is missing. To prevent deficiency symptoms, you should fertilize your plants regularly.
If there is a lack of mobile nutrients, you will see the first symptoms on the older leaves of the plant, for example yellow leaves, as the nutrients are transported from the older to the younger leaves. If there is a lack of non-mobile nutrients, you will see the first signs of deficiency on the young leaves.

Fertilize the most important nutrients and trace elements for green plants
Plants need major nutrients, also known as macronutrients, and trace elements, also known as micronutrients. Don't forget oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as the basis for the growth of your plants.
The main nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Plants need these elements in larger quantities. Nitrogen ensures strong leaf growth. The nutrient phosphorus helps in the formation of flowers and fruits. Potassium, in turn, is good for building cells and ensuring the stability of the plant. If you have a slow-growing plant, too little nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium may be to blame. Then it’s definitely time for you to fertilize.
The trace elements include: iron, copper, zinc, chlorine, manganese, boron and molybdenum. Plants need small amounts of these nutrients, but their presence is essential. When fertilizing green plants, you should make sure to also use a fertilizer with micronutrients.
Fertilizing houseplants: organic or mineral?
Organic fertilizer is created biologically and consists of animal or plant raw materials. This is why these fertilizers are an environmentally friendly alternative to mineral fertilizers, which have to be produced industrially and consume a lot of energy.

The best green plant fertilizer
The perfect green plant fertilizer for your houseplants should always have the following properties:
Nutrient richness in fertilizer:
The fertilizer should contain enough nutrients to promote the growth and health of the plants and to provide them with sufficient nutrition. A composition of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other important minerals ensures a healthy houseplant. You often provide your plant with a complete fertilizer , also known as NPK fertilizer, which is ideal.
Environmental friendliness when fertilizing green plants:
The perfect fertilizer should be environmentally friendly and contain no harmful chemicals or synthetic additives that could harm groundwater or other living beings during production and application. So be careful with mineral fertilizers, they are usually not organic.
Easy to use and dosage:
The fertilizer should be easy to dose to enable effective fertilization without over-fertilization.
Types of fertilizer: liquid fertilizer or fertilizer sticks for your plant?
The main types of fertilizers are liquid and solid fertilizers. The difference is not only in the consistency and therefore in the application, but also in the effect of the fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers often have an “immediate effect”, while solid fertilizers are better known as long-term fertilizers. Solid fertilizers come in various forms, such as fertilizer sticks, powder, granules or pellets. These fertilizers only work in conjunction with the irrigation water, which has to transport the stored nutrients to the roots. Liquid fertilizers, on the other hand, work directly at the roots, but can also be washed out more quickly. Another option is foliar fertilization, in which the liquid fertilizer is filled into a spray bottle and sprayed directly onto the leaves.
When and how often should you use fertilizer for houseplants?
Year-round use of fertilizers is possible. We recommend fertilizing green plants once a week from March to October and once a month from November to February. Do houseplants need to be fertilized in winter? Yes, but the frequency varies depending on the type of plant and whether it is dormant in winter. FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizers can be used throughout the entire growth phase of your plant.
Fertilize houseplants with a suitable home remedy: coffee grounds
Fertilizing green plants can also be done with some home remedies. You can work dried coffee grounds into the plant pot once in winter and once in spring. Add one to two teaspoons to the pot. But be careful - not all green plants can tolerate the slightly acidic pH value of coffee grounds. Water balcony and house plants once a month with cold coffee and water in a 1:1 ratio. The caffeine it contains fights pest infestations in the substrate of houseplants, such as fungus gnats.

Which FARBIO® fertilizer is right for you?
The FARBIO® organic microcomplex is a special fertilizer: plant protection, plant healing and micronutrients in one. Ideal for fertilizing weakened houseplants and supporting stubborn diseases and pests.
The FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizer for green plants supplies your green roommates with important organic nutrients that are important for healthy growth, powerful leaves and strong roots. Fertilizing stimulates the formation of green leaves.
The FARBIO® Nitrogen Bio-Boost supports your plants with nitrogen, which is not only essential for healthy growth, but also makes your plants shine with intense leaf green!