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Checking out well-known organic seals: which seal promises what?

There are now many different organic certifications and we as consumers often cannot understand the different seals at first glance. But one thing is reassuring: thanks to the strict regulations, wherever it says organic, there is also organic in it. You should only be careful with promises such as environmentally friendly or sustainably produced, as these and similar terms are not protected by law. So that you have an overview the next time you go shopping, we have selected the best-known organic seals in Germany for you and will explain to you briefly and understandably what exactly they say about a product.

EU organic

The EU organic regulation, which symbolizes the green EU organic logo with the leaf made of stars, must be adhered to for all foods that are produced and sold as organic products in the EU. The most important criteria are:

  • Preservation of biodiversity
  • Preservation of soil fertility
  • 95% of the ingredients must come from organic farming
  • No chemical synthetic pesticides or fertilizers
  • Sustainable management
  • Species-appropriate animal husbandry and preservation of animal health
  • Freedom from genetic engineering

State Bio

The German organic seal, also known as the state organic seal, corresponds to exactly the same standards as the EU organic seal. The German organic seal is awarded for products in addition to the EU organic seal, but use is voluntary. This logo is only used for customer orientation, as the word “organic” is shown in an octagon.


Behind the Ecocert logo is an international control and certification association for ecological products. The association controls organic farming, organic and natural cosmetics, eco-textiles, detergents and cleaning agents and much more.

Ecocert units for monitoring compliance with organic standards are located in over 130 countries. Ecocert symbols mean that the entire supply chain of a product, from raw materials to the finished product, has been checked and audited as organic by Ecocert. The Ecocert standards go beyond the standards of the EU and state organic label, for example the products must be free of animal testing.

Our organic liquid fertilizers have the ECOCERT label and therefore guarantee 100% organic and cruelty-free products.


The international Demeter logo indicates that a product was produced under the guidelines of biodynamic agriculture. These standards also go beyond the EU & state organic seal and follow a regenerative approach.

Demeter is not only an agricultural practice, but also a belief system that trusts in the power and wisdom of nature. Cosmic forces are the focus to strengthen symbiotic relationships between the four main realms: mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. The farm is seen as a fifth and separate area where practices aim to increase soil health and biodiversity.


The Bioland seal is only awarded in Germany and South Tyrol, which means that Bioland products are also relatively regional. The standards go beyond those of the EU and the state organic seal. The 7 principles of Bioland are:

  • Circular economy: Only waste products such as compost or manure are used for fertilization
  • Promote soil fertility: e.g. with manure or cover crops
  • Species-appropriate animal husbandry: More feed quality, more quality of life and more living space
  • Valuable food
  • Promote biological diversity: in the landscape, in the field and on the farm
  • Preserve the natural basis of life: Earth, air and water form the basis for everything
  • Ensuring people a future worth living


The Naturland organic seal is awarded internationally and the guidelines focus on a holistic approach, sustainable management, species-appropriate livestock farming, nature conservation, preservation of soil, air and water as well as the protection of consumers.

Naturland guidelines also go beyond those of the EU and state organic labels and even deal with topics such as ecological forest use, textile and cosmetics production and social aspects.

The Naturland Fair logo is now also available as a new sub-label, which, among other things, pays attention to social guidelines, reliable trading relationships, fair producer prices and regional raw material sourcing.