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How important is pH to your plants?

In addition to nutrients, soil conditions are of great importance for plant growth. What matters here is whether the soil is acidic or alkaline. This is expressed in the pH value. As a rule, this is between 6 and 7 for soils. These pH values ​​are ideal for nutrient absorption and the living conditions of microorganisms in the soil.

It makes sense to check the pH value annually, as this can also change due to so-called “acid rain”. Incorrect fertilization can also affect this.

How do you measure pH correctly?

There are many ways to determine the pH of your soil. The easiest way is to take a soil sample, pour it with distilled water and place a pH test strip (available at drugstores or garden centers) in the mixture. These are made of litmus paper which is orange and changes color depending on the pH value. You can then compare the discolored paper with the color scale on the packaging and quickly determine the value. Another option is to buy a soil measuring device, which digitally displays the pH value of your soil. And if you want to know exactly, you can send a soil sample to the laboratory, but this is more complex and, above all, more expensive.

Where should the pH value be?

If the soil is too acidic, the pH value is below 6. In this case, the microorganisms living in the soil can no longer decompose the organic substances sufficiently, which means that the supply of nutrients is insufficient and the plants are undersupplied. If the pH is above 7, the soil is alkaline. Here, too, the plants do not have all the nutrients they need. In particular, boron, phosphorus and manganese are not available here. The absorption of heavy metals (cadmium or lead) is made easier.

As a rule, plants feel comfortable at a pH value between 6 and 7, but there are exceptions. Some plants prefer more acidic soil (e.g. heather, rhododendron, busy lilies, hydrangeas) and others prefer alkaline soil (e.g. geranium, balloon flower, lavender, hosta).

Change the pH value specifically

Once you have determined the pH value of the soil, you can plant the right plants for this soil quality or improve the soil by specifically increasing or lowering the pH value (depending on what is desired).

If the soil is too acidic, you can change it by applying garden lime. If the soil is alkaline or you want the soil to be acidic, you can use leaf, bark or coniferous compost. Organic fertilizer is classified as neutral and supports the soil balance.

Our FARBIO® organic fertilizers support your plants with the ideal nutrient complexes. Specially developed for green plants, fruit plants, vegetable plants and herb plants.

When it comes to houseplants, you should also pay attention to the water quality. Water that contains too much lime increases the pH value and distilled water leads to acidification.