plant knowledge

Everything you need to know about plant care and growth.

Vergeil: Length growth in your plants

In fact, everyone who owns plants wants them to grow very quickly and get big. Very rapid growth in length, also known as slack growth or stinging, is more harmful...

Plants on the windowsill: The perfect green privacy screen

Whether the apartment is on the ground floor, is easy for the neighbors to look into or the window simply should not be completely free: It does not always have...

Caladia: grow colorful plants from a tuber

The caladium (Caladium bicolor) belongs to the arum family and is also known as colorful leaf. It is a hybrid plant, the genus Caladium originally comes from South and Central...

What are foliar fertilizers? Benefits and proper use

Foliar fertilization is a quick and easy form of liquid fertilization and is a supplement to the nutrient supply to plants via the roots. You can easily mix our FARBIO®...

The most common diseases of indoor plants & plant health explained

How exactly does a plant actually get sick? And how do you define a healthy plant? We explain everything you need to know about plant diseases and plant health so...

Made by humans: colorful cacti

The Gymnocalycium mihanovichii belongs to the cactus family and is native to Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina. It grows about 5 centimeters high and is unassuming with its olive green coloring...

No green thumb? Our care tips!

Would you like to bring a little more green into your home, but all your plants are dying? Don't have a green thumb but want to change that? We'll show...

Plant hormones: what are they and what are their functions?

The hormones in plants are also called phytohormones. They are plant-specific chemical compounds that control important processes within the plant. Plant hormones are messenger substances that pass on important information...

89-96 of 153 articles