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Control and prevent aphids on indoor plants

Unfortunately, indoor plants are susceptible to various pests, and one of the most common and annoying is the aphid. In this blog article you will learn how to prevent aphid infestation and fight aphids on your plant!

The different types of aphids: green, yellow and black aphids on indoor plants

The small animals are about 1 to 6 mm in size and not always directly recognizable on your plant. Only when the infestation by the pest has progressed can the animals be recognized more often. Also look out for white bits as the aphids shed their skin regularly. If you find small white animals on your plant, then it is mealybugs and not aphids.

Green aphids

Green aphids are a common species. They are small and light green in color. Like all species, they feed on the sugary sap of a plant and can infest a large number of houseplants - your monstera, philodendron and co. are not safe either.


Black Aphids & Yellow Aphids

Black aphids are slightly larger and dark, almost black in color.

Yellow aphids are also small and yellow or yellow-green in color. They are less common on indoor plants and increasingly attack the oleander plant.

Black Aphids

Aphid Infestation: Why Are Indoor Plants Susceptible?

Houseplants are often attacked by lice because they are kept in a closed environment that provides ideal conditions for the pests. The warm temperatures and high humidity in our living rooms create an optimal climate for aphids. In addition, indoor plants often provide a variety of food options, allowing the pests to multiply quickly.

Recognizing aphids: signs and damage

A lice infestation can cause various signs and damage to indoor plants. Here are some of them:

Yellow leaves

A common sign is yellow, mottled leaves. The aphids extract plant sap and leave yellowish discoloration on the foliage.

damage on the leaf

Crippled growth

Aphids can be damaged by sucking: the growth of the plant is disturbed and the leaves are stunted or deformed.

Sticky plant juices

Aphids excrete a sticky substance called honeydew. If you notice sticky leaf surfaces on your houseplants, this could be an indication of an aphid infestation.

Prevent aphids

Aphids often appear when we bring home a new substrate or plant from the hardware store. To avoid an aphid infestation on houseplants, there are some preventive measures you can take:

Regular inspection of plants

Regularly check your houseplants for signs of aphids or other pests. The sooner you notice an infestation, the easier it is to fight it.

green plants

Isolate affected plants and remove plant parts

If you notice an infestation, isolate the affected plant immediately to prevent the aphids from spreading to other plants. If some shoots of the houseplant are covered, you can remove them completely.

Encourage natural enemies of aphids

Natural predators of aphids, such as ladybugs and lacewing larvae, can help control infestations. As a rule, however, the use of beneficial insects is more suitable for the garden than for combating aphids on indoor plants.

strengthen plants

Healthy and strengthened plants are less affected by lice and pest infestation in general. With our FARBIO® organic micro-complex special fertilizer, the focus is on the natural protection of your indoor plants. By supplying them with essential trace elements, you ensure that plants become more vital and resistant! The vegan foliar fertilizer with nanoparticle technology promotes rapid absorption of complex micronutrients and strengthens the self-protection mechanism of your plants. The effects of severe pest and disease infestations are thus reduced.

Organic Microcomplex

Control aphids on houseplants

If your houseplants are already infested with aphids, there are several ways to combat them:

Neem oil and natural home remedies for aphids

Neem oil is a natural herbicide that can be effective against aphids. Dilute the neem oil according to the package directions and spray onto the affected plants. You can find out more here!

Household remedies also help - a simple soapy solution is particularly good. Simply mix soft soap or washing-up liquid with water and spray the leaves - the pest can no longer cling to the leaves of the plant, but slides off.

Manual aphid removal

If the infestation is not too big, you can also remove the aphids manually. Just gently wipe the aphids off the leaves of the plant. Be sure to check the undersides of the leaves as well, as this is where pests often hide. This method is only effective if you really remove every louse. Therefore, check carefully over the next few days to make sure you don't discover another louse!

Care tips for your plant

Besides controlling aphids, it is important to take good care of your houseplants to keep them healthy and resilient:

Proper watering

Make sure to water your houseplants properly. Don't overwater them as this can cause root rot, but don't let them dry out completely either.

High humidity ensures that the tips of the leaves do not turn brown. Therefore, spray your plant regularly with water. We offer the FARBIO® glass spray bottle in two designs to care for your green roommates.

sprinkle leaves

Sufficient light

Houseplants need adequate light to stay healthy. Place them in a spot with sufficient light, but avoid direct sunlight on sensitive plants - this can burn the leaves. In winter, the use of plant lights can bring great benefits! Find out more here.

The right amount of nutrients

Inadequate nutrient supply and over-fertilization can result in poor growth and susceptibility to pests. Make sure to feed your plant with a balanced organic fertilizer.

Various fertilizers

Our FARBIO® organic fertilizers support you in caring for your favorite plant! Fertilizing with the NPK main nutrients and micronutrients promotes rapid growth and supports the development of leaves and magnificent flowers.