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Why aren't my houseplants growing? The most common mistakes in care

Photosynthesis is the basis of life for our plants. A plant absorbs water and carbon dioxide from its environment. Using solar energy, it can produce sugar in the form of glucose and oxygen. The sugar serves as a source of nutrition while the oxygen is released into the environment as a byproduct. Plants depend on it for their growth. But some factors can influence photosynthesis and thus the growth of your plant. We'll explain what you should pay attention to!

The right amount of light for houseplants

Photosynthesis can only take place if there is sufficient lighting and the CO2 consumption of photosynthesis can exceed the CO2 release through cellular respiration.

However, too intense lighting causes the chloroplasts and thus also the pigments for photosynthesis to be damaged. This leads to an inhibition of photosynthesis, also known as light inhibition.

However, in the absence of sufficient light, cellular respiration dominates, meaning that more carbon dioxide is released than is absorbed and converted through photosynthesis.

The optimal point at which CO2 consumption and its release are balanced is also called the light compensation point. In the dark, photosynthesis does not occur in most plants, only cellular respiration.

The location is crucial: light and shade plants explained

You can differentiate between light and shade plants. Light plants are adapted to high light levels and shade plants are adapted to low light levels. The light compensation point is lower for shade plants than for light plants and therefore they require lower light intensities to carry out photosynthesis and obtain nutrients. This is due to the number of chloroplasts in the leaves. The popular culinary herb thyme is a light plant. Ferns are shade plants!


The right temperature for growing

A plant's photosynthesis performance is also strongly influenced by the ambient temperature, as the activity of the necessary enzymes is strongly influenced by temperature.

You should note that photosynthesis can only begin at a certain temperature, as each enzyme has a specific curve in which it can work effectively. As the temperature increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases until the optimal temperature level for the enzymes is reached.

That's why fertilizing is a must

For plants, the absorption of nutrients is a basis for life - your houseplants need different main and micronutrients for different growth and metabolic processes.

Due to the continuous absorption of nutrients via the roots, they are eventually used up in the substrate in the pot. Ideally, the first fertilization should take place 4 weeks after repotting to ensure constant development of your plant.

Is your plant just not growing? For healthy growth and the development of beautiful leaves, it needs a sufficient supply of nutrients, especially nitrogen. So definitely try a fertilizer!

You can often recognize symptoms of deficiency symptoms on the leaves of your houseplant, for example discoloration. To prevent deficits from occurring in the first place, you should fertilize your houseplants regularly.

The FARBIO® Nitrogen Bio-Boost supports your plants with nitrogen, which is not only essential for healthy growth, but also makes the leaves of your houseplants shine with intense leaf green!

FARBIO organic liquid fertilizer

Is your houseplant infested with pests?

It is important to recognize infected and sick houseplants in good time in order to free them from diseases or pests and not to impair their development in the long term. The signs of illness can be varied - they are often leaf spots, deposits on the leaves or rotting root balls. If there are brown or yellow spots on the leaves, a leaf disease cannot be ruled out. Spider mites, aphids and others can be found on the underside of leaves.

It is important to distinguish a care error caused by too high or too low humidity, drafts, lack of nutrients or too hard water from a disease or pest infestation. However, improper care can weaken houseplants and also lead to plant diseases and slow down the development of houseplants. Treatment is essential, e.g. B. renewing the substrate or cutting off affected roots, leaves and shoots so that your houseplant can grow.

Copper is a nutrient that can actively help plants defend against diseases and pests. The FARBIO® organic microcomplex is plant care at its best: plant protection, plant healing and micronutrients in one.