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5 philodendron rarities that are trendy

Philodendrons are becoming increasingly popular. Rare species that you can't just get in hardware stores are currently in great demand. That's why today we're introducing you to 5 Philodendron rarities that you should definitely know.

Philodendron gloriosum

The Philodendron Gloriosum is currently a very sought-after rarity. Its leaves can grow up to 90 cm. They are velvety, strong, dark green and have white to light green leaf veins. The Philodendron gloriosum has its origins in Colombia. A special feature is its growth. Like other philodendrons, it does not grow climbing, but rather creeping. This must be taken into account when choosing a pot. You need to choose either an elongated or very large pot so that your plant feels comfortable. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so you should never place your plant within the reach of children or animals.


Philodendron melanochrysum

The Philodendron melanochrysom has large, elongated, heart-shaped leaves. Similar to Philodendron gloiosum, the leaves of melanochrysom are dark green, velvety with light veins. Young leaves are initially light pink and darken over time. It is one of the climbing representatives of the philodendrons and always needs an opportunity to do so, otherwise it will not grow well. The tropical plant requires a humidity of 65-85% for optimal growth, which you can achieve with regular misting or using a humidifier. The better the conditions, the larger the leaves become.

Philodendron melanochrysum

Philodendron billietiae

Like most other philodendrons, Philodendron billietiae comes from the tropical forest of South America. It has slightly frilly green leaves that can grow up to 1 meter long. The petioles are strikingly orange in color. A special feature of billietiae is that it can grow as an epiphyte. This means that it can grow on trees without soil like orchids or in the ground like other philodendron species. Since billietiae is a climbing plant, you should provide it with a moss pole or another way to climb. Otherwise, you can also plant it as a hanging plant in a hanging basket. It is not demanding to care for and only requires slightly moist soil.

Philodendron billietiae

Philodendron verrucosum

The Philodendron verrucosum comes from the cloud forests of South America. It has large heart-shaped leaves. They are dark green with light veins, with a continuous color transition from the light green of the veins to the deep dark green of the leaves. A special feature is the hairiness of the entire plant. The stems in particular are reddish and thickly hairy. This Philodendron also grows as an epiphyte on trees in order to get more light. For optimal care of the Philodendron verrucosum, you need a climbing aid such as a moss stick and a spray bottle, as it requires a humidity of over 70%.

Philodendron verrucosum

Philodendron paraiso verde

The Philodendron paraiso verde has long, large, light green leaves that are variegated in dark green. Each leaf is variegated differently. How intensively this variegation is developed depends on the site conditions: light intensity, humidity and temperature. Make sure that your Philodendron paraiso verde has a bright and warm location. You should keep the humidity around 70% with a humidifier or regular misting. Since, like most philodendrons, it is a climbing plant, it also needs a climbing aid to grow better.

Philodendron paraiso verde
The FARBIO® glass spray bottle is particularly suitable for spraying the leaves of your Philodendron with water to ensure high humidity.
The FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizers support you in caring for your Philodendron with important main and micronutrient complexes!