plant knowledge

Everything you need to know about plant care and growth.

Presented: Monstera Thai in portrait

What is the Monstera Thai? The Monstera Thai is actually called Monstera deliciosa “Thai Constellation”. It is a variant of the common Monstera deliciosa, but has a very special coloring...

Mobile plant truck in Los Angeles

In the USA, more precisely in Los Angeles, Rob Moffitt has created something unique in the plant scene. The nurse wanted to open a houseplant business based on his passion...

The 5 most expensive indoor plants

Have you ever wondered how much you can spend on just one houseplant? Some plants are so expensive that for the same money you could secure your retirement or buy...

The secret of beautiful large leaves

Not only flowering plants need our attention, leafy plants also want to be cared for. Leafy plants in particular should delight us with beautiful, shiny and healthy leaves. Therefore, they...

How plants boost your health

Have you ever wondered what else your plants can do besides looking beautiful? Then you've come to the right place, because we'll tell you what else your great house plants...

Keep an eye out when buying plants - What you should pay attention to when buying plants on Ebay

It sounds tempting to buy cuttings from various house plants, whole hedges and trees or seeds from perennials for a ridiculous price on Ebay classifieds. But what do you have...

5 plant shops: Here you can buy rare plants

This is the right place for you if you are interested in rare plants and want to buy rare plants. Because we have five shops for you that can help...

How important is pH to your plants?

In addition to nutrients, soil conditions are of great importance for plant growth. What matters here is whether the soil is acidic or alkaline. This is expressed in the pH...

145-152 of 153 articles